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 Introducing      CARPA

Caisse Autonome de Règlements Pécuniaires des Avocats du Mali.

Confidence and safety in handling of funds and the asset management of clients.

Cour d’appel de Bamako, Salle des Avocats
Email : Tél : +223 20 79 39 27
Compte BDM-SA
N°: ML016 01201 026001319528-40

What is CARPA?

The Regulations n°05/CM/UEMOA relating to the harmonization of rules governing the legal profession in the UEMOA region requires each Bar to set up a CARPA. In accordance with article 78 of this regulation, a Caisse Auto- nome de Règlements Pécuniaires des Avocats (CARPA) is set up within each Bar Association, to centralize in a single account all funds, bills or securities received by lawyers.

Independent Lawyers' Compensation Fund (CARPA) also receives escrow funds and deposits issued at the request of courts, individuals or corporate bodies.

You may be wondering


Guaranteed representation of funds

Guaranteed ethical control

The assurance that funds are only passed on to the other party once the justification for the transaction has been provided.

Absolute traceability of funds

The adversary's lack of knowledge of the customer's personal bank details

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How does it work?

All about CARPA, here's a list of the documents you need to provide and how it works!

  • CARPA has a bank account.
    Each lawyer has a CARPA "sub-account".
  • CARPA manages lawyers' affairs on a case-by-case basis, keeping them separate.
  • CARPA issues settlements on the instructions of the lawyer handling the case, after checking by the President, the President of the Bar or their delegates.
  • CARPA can ensure that the financial movement is indeed a legal transaction.
  • For the system to be accepted, the sums can only be tied up for a short time.
  • Immobilization corresponds essentially to the time required by the bank to guarantee the effective collection of the sums deposited.
  • The time taken by the Order and CARPA to check the transaction (for whom, for what, how?) must be included in the time taken to check the bank.
  • Fee agreement
  • The judgment
  • Certificat de non-recours
  • The Court of Appeal ruling
  • The Supreme Court ruling
  • The memorandum of understanding
  • The arbitral award